Counseling Resources
Note: Many of these authors and works are good resources, but I do not totally agree with
some of the author’s statements about psychology and counseling, that science has nothing
to offer mankind in relation to psychology and human brain. I think we can learn from
the sciences as long as science does not leave God out of the equation. We do not teach
nouthetic (Calvinistic) views, our method is in classical Christianity, but these resources
can be of great help in counseling as long as the bible is the final truth in counseling.
Recommended Websites
National Christian Counseling Association (NCCA)
Sarasota Academy Christian Counseling (SACC)
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC)
Strengthening Ministries International (Wayne Mack)
Adams, Jay (1982). How To Handle Trouble. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1977). How to Overcome Evil. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Allchin, Sherry (1999). Helping Sexually Abused Women & Teens.@ Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999 Annual
Alyn, Irene (1997). Helping Young Adults Abused in the Past.@ Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1997 Annual Conference.
Bridges, Jerry (1988). Trusting God. Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress.
Dutton, Mark (2002). Wife Abuse.@ Cassette tape or CD from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 4. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1992). Adult Victims of Child Abuse.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1992 Annual Conference.
Galloway, Sid (1992). Wife Abuse. Workshop presented at the National Association of
Nouthetic Counselors 1992 Annual Conference.
Goode, William (1987). Child Abuse. Workshop presented at the National Association of
Nouthetic Counselors 1987 Annual Conference.
Goode, William (1990). Wife Abuse. Workshop presented at the National Association of
Nouthetic Counselors 1990 Annual Conference.
Jones, Robert D. (2004). Bad Memories. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Knicely, Amy (2002). Child Abuse.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 4. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Knicely, Amy (1999). Wife Abuse – Parts 1 & 2. Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999 Annual Conference.
Mack, Wayne (2004). Anger & Stress Management. Merrick, NY: Calvary Press.
Powlison, David, Tripp, Paul & Welch, Edward (2002). Domestic Abuse: How to Help.
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Priolo, Lou (1994). Biblical Resources for a Wife’s Protection.@ Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1994 Annual Conference.
Street, John (1996). Biblical Protection for the Abused Family.@ Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1996 Annual Conference.
Van Stone, Doris (1979). Dorie, The Girl Nobody Loved. Chicago: Moody
Van Stone, Doris (1990). No Place to Cry. The Hurt and Healing of Sexual
Chicago: Moody Press.
Viars, Steve (1993). Handling the Past Biblically.@ Series of 10 audio CDs. Lafayette,
IN: Faith Baptist Church. Summary guide and student workbook also available.
Steve (1994). Spousal Abuse.@ Cassette tape from July 17, 1994. Lafayette, IN: Faith
Baptist Church.
Anderson, Neil T. and Mike & Julia Quarles (1997). Freedom from Addiction &
Workbook, Regal Publishing;
Shaw, Mark E. (2008). Heart of Addiction. Focus Publishing,Inc
Shaw, Mark E. (2009). Relapse. Focus Publishing, Inc
Adams, Jay (1999). Wrinkled But Not Ruined. Woodruff, SC: Timeless Texts.
Aging, Extra Years of Zest. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Burchett, Harold. (2002). Last Light: Staying True Through the Darkness of Alzheimer’s.
Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (2004). The Afternoon of Life. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Goode, William, Hodges, Charles & Smith, Robert. (1992).Aging: Extra Years of Zest.@
Series of 7 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
McQuilkin, Robertson (1998). A Promise Kept. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Tripp, Paul David (2004). Lost in the Middle. Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press.
Anger / Bitterness
Adams, Jay (1972). Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Chapter 3.
Adams, Jay (1994). From Forgiven to Forgiving. Amityville, NY: Calvary Press.
Adams, Jay (1988). A Thirst For Wholeness. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, Chapter
Adams, Jay (1975). “What To Do When Anger Gets The Upper Hand.” Phillipsburg,
NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh. (2000). The Attitude of Gratitude. Buchanan, MI: Life Action
Dutton, Mark (2003). Anger.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 2. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Jones, Robert (2003). Angry at God? Bring Him Your Doubts & Questions. Phillipsburg,
NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Jones, Robert (2005). Uprooting Anger. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Lane, Timothy S. (2004). Forgiving Others: Joining Wisdom and Love. Winston-Salem,
NC: Punch Press.
Mack, Wayne (2004). Anger & Stress Management. Merrick, NY: Calvary Press.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1.
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., anger (Help for overcoming
sinful anger, bitterness, resentment), pp. 1-13.
Powlison, David (1989). Helping Angry People Change.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1989 Annual Conference.
Priolo, Lou (1997). The Heart of Anger. Amityville, NY: Calvary Press.
Priolo, Lou (1993). Helping Angry Children.@ Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1993 Annual Conference.
Viars, Steve. (1997). Handling Anger Biblically.@ Series of 7 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church.
Anorexia / Bulimia / Eating Disorders
Adams, Jay (1972). “Godliness Through Discipline.” Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Alyn, Irene (1993). Eating Disorders: A Family Affair.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1993 Annual Conference.
Alyn, Irene (1997). Helping Women with Eating Disorders.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1997 Annual Conference.
Alyn, Irene. (May, 1997). “Helping Those Who Manipulate Eating in a Self-Destructive
Way.” The Biblical Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (2000). “Counseling Anorexic and Bulimic Women.” Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1993). “Disorderly Eating…For the Rest of Us.” The Journal of
Biblical Counseling. 12 (1), p. 20-23.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1993). “Helping Anorexics.” The Journal of Biblical Counseling,
11(3), p. 19-23.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1993). “Helping Bulimics.” The Journal of Biblical Counseling, 11(2),
p. 16-20.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1992). “Helping Overeaters.” The Journal of Pastoral Practice, 11 (1),
p. 51-56.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1999). Love to Eat, Hate to Eat. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1990). Uncommon Vessels. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
and Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
overeating, pp. 130-131.
Welch, Edward (2001). Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave. Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) / Autism / Learning Disorders / Special
Backus, Sharon ( 1993). Running the Christian Race: Helping the Child labeled ADD/
ADHD. Lafayette, IN: Resources of Faith.
Jamison, Rita & Thomas, James. (2002). Helping Children Labeled ADHD.@ Series of 2
audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Jamison, Rita (1995). “The Christian Home and ADHD, Part II.” The Biblical Counselor,
March. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Jamison, Rita (1995). “The Christian Home and ADHD, Part III.” The Biblical
Counselor, May. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Jamison, Rita (2001). Educational Perspectives.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Jamison, Rita (2000). Helping the Underachiever.@ Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Jamison, Rita, Viars, Steve, & Thomas, James. Helping Your Child Learn. Series of 5
audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Priolo, Lou (1997). The Heart of Anger. Amityville, NY: Calvary Press.
Smiley, Kendra (2004). Aaron’s Way. Chicago: Moody Press.
Thomas, James (1995). “The Christian Home and ADHD, Part I.” The Biblical Counselor
January. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Thomas, James (1998). Parenting the Disabled Child.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1998 Annual Conference.
Anxiety / Worry / Panic / Fear
Adams, Jay (1975). “What Do You Do When Fear Overcomes You?” Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1975). “What To Do When Worry Overcomes You.” Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Aucoin, Brent (2003). Worry.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 2. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Bridges, Jerry. (1997). The Joy of Fearing God. New York: Random House. A study
guide is available for this book.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (2001). Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety. Eugene, OR: Harvest
House Publishers.
George, Elizabeth. (2000). Experiencing God’s Peace. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.
Mack, Wayne & Mack, Joshua. (2003). The Fear Factor. Hensley Publishing.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1.
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Anxiety and worry, pp. 14-
16, fear, pp.
Powlison, David (2004). Stress: Peace amid Pressure. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Powlison, David (2004). Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace. Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Rowe, Craig (1999). Winning Over Fear & Panic Attacks.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999 Annual Conference.
Smith, Robert (March, 1994). “Counseling People with Panic Attacks.” The Biblical
Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Vandegriff, John (1992). In the Arena of the Mind. Howell, NJ: Ask, Seek and Knock
Publishing. A study guide is available for this resource.
Wickert, Dan (January, 1994). “Panic, Genes and Drugs.” The Biblical Counselor.
Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Woodall, Andy (2004). Fear.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 2. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Bible Study
Adams, Jay (1978). Four Weeks with God and Your Neighbor. Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1982). What to Do on Thursday. Woodruff, SC: Timeless Texts.
Anders, Max (1988). 30 Days to Understanding the Bible. Dallas: Word Publishing.
Christian Life and Growth. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Fee, Gordon & Stuart, Douglas (2003). How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Goode, William (May, 1994). “No Wonder Your ‘Devotions’ Aren’t Working.” The
Biblical Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Libronix Bible Study software. Several versions are available at different price levels.
MacArthur, Jr., John. MacArthur Bible Commentary. Nashville: Word Publishing.
MacArthur, John ( 2001). MacArthur’s Quick Reference Guide to the Bible. Nashville,
TN: Thomas Nelson.
MacArthur, John. (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1.
NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., devotions, pp. 63-71.
Nave, Orville J. Nave’s Topical Bible. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson
Pfeiffer, Charles F., Vos, Howard F., Rea, John (1975). Wycliffe Bible
Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson Publishers.
Viars, Steve (1991). AListener’s Responsibility When God’s Word Is Spoken. Part 1 and
Part 2.@ Cassette tape from Aug. 18 & 25, 1991. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Vine, W. E. (2005). Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
Voice of the Martyrs. (2001). Extreme Devotion. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
Wiersbe, Warren. The Bible Exposition Commentary – Volumes 1 & 2. Victor Books.
Adams, Jay (1982). How To Handle Trouble. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1988). A Thirst For Wholeness. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, chapter 2.
Bridges, Jerry (1988). Trusting God. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Goode, William (1986). The Suffering of Today.@ Cassette tape from April 6, 1986.
Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Goode, William (1989). Jesus, Our Great High Priest. The God Who Cares.@ Cassette
tape from Feb. 19, 1989. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Goode, William (1993). Christ, Your Model for Trusting in the Middle of Calamity.@
Cassette tape from Mar. 28, 1993. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Howard, Deborah (2005). Sunsets. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
and Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
suffering, p. 170.
Pabody, Doug (May 1996). “Helping People in Pain to Be More Than Survivors.” The
Biblical Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Stephenson, Wally. Helping a Friend Who Is Grieving.@ Harrisburg, PA: ABWE
Stephenson, Wally. Questions Children and Adults Ask about Grief and Death.@
Harrisburg, PA: ABWE Publishing.
Stephenson, Wally (John Wallace) (1996). Through Tears to Triumph. Schaumberg, IL:
Regular Baptist Press.
Stephenson, Wally. What Grievers Can Expect.@ Harrisburg, PA: ABWE
Tripp, Paul. (2001). Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference. Phillipsburg, NJ:
P & R Publishing.
Welch, Edward (1994). “Exalting Pain? Ignoring Pain? What do we do with Suffering?
The Journal of Biblical Counseling, 12(3), p. 4-19.
Communication / Conflict
Adams, Jay (1972). Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Christian Life and Growth. Lesson 7 – Four Rules of Communication. Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1.
NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., communication, pp. 23-38;
blameshifting, pp. 16-21.
Mack, Wayne (1980). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 2.
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., communication worksheet,
pp. 7-9; communication guidelines, pp. 10-12; wrong words, good words – improving
your speech, p. 13.
Mack, Wayne (1977). Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Unit 4, communication, p. 46.
Mack, Wayne. (1991). Your Family, God’s Way. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Mahaney, Carolyn & Whitacre, Nicole (2005). Girl Talk. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Sande, Corlette (1997). The Young Peacemaker. Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press.
Sande, Ken. (1991). The Peacemaker. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
Sande, Ken. (2002). Peacemaking for Families. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
Scott, Stuart (2005). Communication and Conflict Resolution. Bemidji, MN: Focus
Smith, Robert (2002). Four Rules of Communication.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Tripp, Paul (2000). War of Words. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Viars, Steve & Smith, Robert. Communicating God’s Way. Series of 5 audio CDs.
Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Contemporary Issues
Adams, Jay (1986). The Biblical View of Self-esteem, Self-love, Self-image. Eugene,
OR: Harvest House Publishers.
Adams, Jay (1977). The Christian’s Guide to Guidance. Woodruff, SC: Timeless
Adams, Jay (1974). Handbook of Church Discipline. Grand Rapids, MI:
Adams, Jay (1975). “What Do You Do When You Know That You’re Hooked?@
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Alcorn, Randy (2004). Why Pro-Life? Sisters, OR: Multnomah.
Ankerberg, John & Weldon, John (1998). Creation vs. Evolution: What You Need to
Know. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.
Baker, Amy. Overcoming Perfectionism. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Burkett, Larry (1998). Business by the Book. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson
Day, Sandy (2003). Living in His Forgiveness. A Bible Study for Post-
Abortive Women.
Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing.
Decker, Ed (1997). Mormonism: What You Need to Know. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Goode, William. Seminar on Church Discipline. Lafayette, IN: Faith Resources.
Harris, Josh (2004). Stop Dating the Church. Sisters, OR: Multnomah.
Henegar, Walter (2004). Procrastination: First Steps to Change. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
MacArthur, John (2001). Battle for the Beginning. Nashville, TN: Thomas
MacArthur, Jr., John (2001). Terrorism, Jihad, and the Bible. Nashville: Word
Mack, Wayne & Swavely, David (1996). Life in the Father’s House.
Phillipsburg, NJ:
P&R Publishing.
Mack, Wayne (2004). To Be or Not to Be a Church Member. Merrick, NY: Calvary
Mack, Wayne (2004). True Success and How to Attain It and Man’s Greatest Need.
Merrick, NY: Calvary Press.
McCarthy, James (1995). Roman Catholicism: What You Need to Know. Eugene, OR:
Harvest House Publishers.
Mittelberg, Mark (2001). Building a Contagious Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Powlison, David (2004). God as Father: When Your Own Father Failed. Winston-Salem,
NC: Punch Press.
Powlison, David (2004). Stress: Peace amid Pressure. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Rhodes, Ron (2000). Islam: What You Need to Know. Eugene, OR: Harvest
House Publishers.
Rhodes, Ron (2000). Jehovah’s Witnesses: What You Need to Know. Eugene, OR:
Harvest House Publishers.
Swavely, Dave (2003). Decisions, Decisions. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing.
Tyler, David (2002). Jesus Christ: Self-Denial or Self-Esteem? Stanley, NC: Timeless
Viars, Steve. Christian Liberty. Series of 12 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Viars, Steve. Worship and Music. Series of 11 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Church. A summary booklet is also available.
Welch, Edward (2004). Self-Injury: When Pain Feels Good. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Wickert, Dan & Baker, Amy. Miscarriage and Infertility. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Counseling Resources
Adams, Jay (1971). Christ and Your Problems.. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1973). The Christian Counselor’s Manual. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
Adams, Jay (2004). Christian Counselor’s New Testament. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts.
Adams, Jay (1974). Competent to Counsel. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (2002). Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts.
Adams, Jay. Helps for Counselors. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
Adams, Jay. (1986). How to Help People Change. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
Adams, Jay (2003). The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling. Stanley,
Timeless Texts.
Adams, Jay (1981). Ready to Restore. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1979). A Theology of Christian Counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Publishing House.
Adams, Jay (2003). What to Do When Counseling Fails. Stanley, NC: Timeless
Asher, Marshall & Asher, Mary (2004). The Christian’s Guide to Psychological
Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing.
Aucoin, Brent (2003). Comparisons of Counseling Philosophies.@ Cassette tape or audio
CD from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith
Baptist Church.
Aucoin, Brent (2003). Key Elements III & IV. Involvement & Hope. Cassette tape or
audio CD from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church.
Bulkley, Ed (1993). Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Dutton, Mark (2003). Key Elements I & II. Data.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
DVD Counseling Observations. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse & Cornish, Carol (eds.) (1997). Women Helping Women. Eugene, OR:
Harvest House
Johnson, Eric & Jones, Stanton (eds.) (2000). Psychology and Christianity: Four Views.
Wheaton, IL: Intervarsity Press.
Journal of Biblical Counseling, 1977-2001 CD. (Unabridged articles on CD-ROM.)
Glenside, PA: Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation.
Journal of Biblical Counseling, 2001-2003 Upgrade CD. (Unabridged articles on CD-
ROM.) Glenside, PA: Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation.
Kruis, John. (2000). Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
MacArthur, Jr., John & Mack, Wayne (1994). Introduction to Biblical Counseling.
Word Publishing.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1.
NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Mack, Wayne (1980). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 2: Family and
Marital Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Mack, Wayne & Johnston, Wayne (2005). A Christian Growth and Discipleship
Manual. A Homework Manual for Biblical Living, Vol. 3. Bemidji, MN: Focus
Mack, Wayne (1991). Tapes on “Counseling Persons in Crisis,” parts 1 & 2.
Workshop presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1991 Annual
Miller, Patricia. (2002). Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Women. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Patten, Randy. (Sept., 1998). “Homework That Changes Lives.” The Biblical Counselor.
Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Piatt, Bill (2003). Goal & Qualifications of a Biblical Counselor.@ Cassette tape from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Powlison, David (2003). Seeing with New Eyes. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
Smith, Robert (2000). The Christian Counselor’s Medical Desk Reference. Stanley, NC:
Timeless Texts.
Smith, Robert (2003). AKey Elements V. Homework.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from
the Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Smith, Robert (May, 1992). “The Use of Drugs in Counseling.” The Biblical Counselor.
Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Smith, Robert (March, 1998). “Can Wrong Behavior Be Attributed to Organic Causes?”
The Biblical Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Street, John (1998). Counseling People Who Resist Change.@ Journal of Biblical
Counseling, 16(3). Laverock, PA: CCEF.
Tripp, Paul. (2002). Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Viars, Steve (July 1991). “Is Your Homework a Help or a Hindrance?” The Biblical
Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Viars, Steve (2003). What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical.@ Cassette tape or audio
CD from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith
Baptist Church.
Welch, Edward (2001). Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave. Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Wickert, Dan. (March, 1999). “Why Can’t I Blame It on My Genes?” The Biblical
Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Death / Grief
Adams, Jay (1982). How To Handle Trouble. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1988). A Thirst For Wholeness. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, chapter 2.
Alcorn, Randy (2004). Heaven. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
Black, Jeffrey (2003). Suicide. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
Bridges, Jerry (1988). Trusting God. Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress.
Goode, Mildred (2000). Helping the Bereaved.@ Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Goode, William (1986). The Suffering of Today.@ Cassette tape from April 6, 1986.
Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Goode, William (1989). Jesus, Our Great High Priest. The God Who Cares.@ Cassette
tape from Feb. 19, 1989. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Goode, William (1993). Christ, Your Model for Trusting in the Middle of Calamity.@
Cassette tape from Mar. 28, 1993. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Howard, Deborah (2005). Sunsets. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Lutzer, Erwin (1996). How You Can Be Sure That You Will Spend Eternity with God.
Chicago: Moody.
Lutzer, Erwin. (1997). One Minute After You Die. Chicago: Moody.
Lutzer, Erwin (2004). The Vanishing Power of Death. Chicago: Moody.
Lutzer, Erwin (1998). Your Eternal Reward. Chicago: Moody.
MacArthur, John. (1996). The Glory of Heaven. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
and Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
suffering, p. 170.
Patten, Cindy (1998). Handling Death and Grief.@ Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1998 Annual Conference.
Stephenson, Wally. Helping a Friend Who Is Grieving.@ Harrisburg, PA: ABWE
Stephenson, Wally. Questions Children and Adults Ask about Grief and Death.@
Harrisburg, PA: ABWE Publishing.
Stephenson, Wally (John Wallace) (1996). Through Tears to Triumph. Schaumberg, IL:
Regular Baptist Press.
Stephenson, Wally. What Grievers Can Expect.@ Harrisburg, PA: ABWE Publishing.
Tripp, Paul. (2004). Grief: Finding Hope Again. Winston-Salem, NC: Punch Press.
Tripp, Paul. (2001). Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Depression / Self-Pity
Adams, Jay (1972). “Godliness Through Discipline.” Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1975). “What Do You Do When You Become Depressed?” Phillipsburg,
NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Baker, Amy (2003). Self-Pity. Cassette tape from the Biblical Counseling Training
Conference. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Dutton, Mark (1993). Elijah and Discouragement.@ Cassette tape from Feb. 21, 1993.
Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Journal of Biblical Counseling. Volume 18, Number 2, Winter 2000.
Mack, Wayne (2005). Down, But Not Out. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
and Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
depression, pp. 57-62.
Welch, Edward (2004). Depression: A Stubborn Darkness. Winston-Salem, NC: Punch
Wickert, Dan (2003). Depression.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Divorce / Single Parenting / Stepfamilies
Adams, Jay (1980). Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Baker, Amy (2003). “Children of Divorce.” Cassette tape or audio CD from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 3. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh. (2000). The Attitude of Gratitude. Buchanan, MI: Life Action
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh. (1998). Singled Out for Him. Buchanan, MI: Life Action
Goode, William & Viars, Steve. (2002). Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage. Series of 4
audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Goode, William & Smith, Robert. Seminar on Divorce. Lafayette, IN: Resources of Faith.
Knicely, Amy (Sept. & Nov. 1996). AYou’re Divorced. Now What? Parts 1 & 2.@ The
Biblical Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Medved, Diane (1989). The Case Against Divorce. New York: Ivy Books.
Martha (2000). Counseling Women Going Through Divorce.@ Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Priolo, Lou
(2003). Losing That Lovin’ Feeling. Wetumpka, AL: Pastoral Publications.
Robert. (2003). Life After Divorce. Lafayette, IN: Resources of Faith. A curriculum for
a small group. Teacher manual and student guide available.
Street, John (2000).
ACounseling Blended Families.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Vernick, Leslie (2001). How to Act Right When Your Spouse Acts Wrong. Colorado
Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press.
Viars, Steve (1990). Parenting Alone.@ Cassette tape from Sept. 2, 1990. Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church.
Wheat, Ed (1983). How To Save Your Marriage Alone. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Publishing House.
Evangelism / Apologetics
Blanchard, John. (1987). Ultimate Questions. Darlington, England: Evangelical
Colson, Charles & Pearcey, Nancy. (1999). How Now Shall We Live? Wheaton,
Tyndale. A study guide is also available with this book.
Dutton, Mark, Martin, Bob, Viars, Steve & Aucoin, Brent. Reasons to Believe. Series of
6 cassette tapes. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church. A summary guide is available for
Dutton, Mark, Martin, Bob, Viars, Steve & Aucoin, Brent. World Religions. Series of 6
audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church. A summary guide is available for this
Geisler, Norman & Douglass, Randy (2005). Bringing Your Faith to Work. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
Hybels, Bill & Mittelberg, Mark. (1994). Becoming a Contagious Christian. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Knowing Jesus Christ. (1964). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
MacArthur, John. (2002). Why One Way. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
MacDonald, James. (2002). God Wrote a Book. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Martin, Bob, Dutton, Mark, Viars, Steve & Aucoin, Brent. Reasons to Believe. Lafayette,
IN: Faith Baptist Church.
McDowell, Josh (1979). Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Nashville, TN: Thomas
Nelson Publishers.
Nicholi, Armand (2002). The Question of God. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Poole, Garry & Poling, Judson. (1998). Tough Questions. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
There are several booklets in this series.
Strobel, Lee (2004). The Case for a Creator. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Strobel, Lee (1998). The Case for Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. A student
edition is also available.
Strobel, Lee (2000). The Case for Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Thompson, Daniel (2004). The Mormon Scrapbook. Kokomo, IN: Provident
Wretlind, Norm & Wretlind, Becky (2003). When God Is the Life of the Party. Colorado
Springs, CO: Navpress.
Alcorn, Randy (2001). The Treasure Principle. Eugene, OR: Multnomah.
Blue, Ron (2004). Splitting Heirs. Chicago: Northfield Publishing.
Burkett, Larry (1999). Debt Free Living. Chicago: Moody Press.
Burkett, Larry & Taylor, Michael (1000). Money in Marriage. Chicago: Moody
Burkett, Larry & Temple, Todd (1998). Money Matters for College Students.
Moody Press.
Burkett, Larry & Bowler, Christie (2000). Money Matters for Kids. Chicago: Moody
Burkett, Larry (1994). The Word on Finances. Chicago: Moody Press.
Growth / Progressive Sanctification / Overcoming Sin
Adams, Jay (1972). “Godliness Through Discipline.” Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1975). “What Do You Do When You Know That You’re Hooked?@
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1989). Winning the War Within. Woodruff, SC: Timeless Texts.
Aucoin, Brent (2005). Heart of Change. DVD set. Lafayette, IN: Faith Resources.
Bearing Fruit in God’s Family. (1979). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Berg, Jim (1978). Basics for Believers. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press.
Berg, Jim (1999). Changed into His Image. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press.
Berg, Jim (2000). Changed into His Image – Youth Edition. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones
University Press.
Berg, Jim (2002). Created for His Glory. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press. A
study guide is available for this book as well.
Berg, Jim (1999). Taking Time to Change. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press.
Bridges, Jerry. (2002). The Gospel for Real Life. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Bridges, Jerry (2004) Growing Your Faith. Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress.
Bridges, Jerry (2002) I Give You Glory, O God. Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook
Bridges, Jerry (1978). The Pursuit of Holiness. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Bridges, Jerry (1983) The Practice of Godliness. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Christian Life and Growth. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Bridges, Jerry. (1991). Transforming Grace. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress. A
discussion guide is available for this book.
Capps, Todd & Shaw, Sherry (2003). I’m a Christian Now. Nashville, TN: Lifeway
Christian Resources.
Deepening Your Roots in God’s Family. (1979). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh (2004). Holiness. Chicago: Moody Press.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse. (2001). Idols of the Heart. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
Goode, William, Viars, Steve, & Dutton, Mark. Changing and Growing. Series of 5 audio
CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Growing Strong in God’s Family. (1974). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Hughes, R. Kent (1991). Disciplines of a Godly Man. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Lundgaard, Kris (1998). The Enemy Within. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing.
MacArthur, John. (2000). A Faith to Grow On. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
MacArthur, John (2002). Twelve Ordinary Men. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
MacDonald, James (2000). I Really Want to Change…So, Help Me God. Chicago:
Moody Press.
Mack, Wayne & Mack, Joshua. (2002). God’s Solutions to Life’s Problems. Hensley
Mack, Wayne (2005). Humility: The Forgotten Virtue. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1.
Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., structuring your life for
biblical change, p. 168-169.
Mahaney, C. J. (2002). Cross Centered Life. Sisters, OR: Multnomah.
Mahaney, C. J. (2005). Humility: True Greatness. Sisters, OR: Multnomah.
Patten, Randy (2002). Biblical Change.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Piper, John (2003). Don’t Waste Your Life. Wheaton, IL: Crossway.
Tiffe, Armand (2005). Transformed Into His Likeness. Bemidji, MN: Focus
Tripp, Paul. (2002). Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands. Phillipsburg, NJ: P
& R
Viars, Steve (2003). Doctrine of Spiritual Growth.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Viars, Steve (2003). “Walking in the Light.” Cassette tape or audio CD from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Viars, Steve & Dutton, Mark. Disciplines of a Godly Person. Series of 11 audio CDs.
Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church. A summary guide is available for this
Viars, Steve How to Avoid Wasting Your Life. Series of 11 audio CDs.
Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church. A summary guide is available for this series.
Warren, Rick. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Welch, Ed. (2002). Just One More. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
Welch, Ed. (2003). Motives. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
Whitney, Donald. (1991). Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Colorado Springs,
CO: NavPress.. A study guide is also available for this book.
Wiersbe, Warren. (1993). On Being a Servant of God. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Bruce, Ruth Ann (2003). When Homosexuality Invades the Family. United States: Xulon
Dallas, Joe (2004). When Homosexuality Hits Home. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Lutzer, Erwin (2004). The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage. Chicago: Moody.
Adams, Jay (1972). Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Elliot, Elisabeth (1981). The Mark of a Man. Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell.
Farrar, Steve (1995). Finishing Strong. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books.
Farrar, Steve (1990). Point Man. USA: Multnomah Books.
George, Jim. (2004). A Husband After God’s Own Heart. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.
Hodges, Charles (2002). Husband’s Role.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical Counseling
Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Hughes, R. Kent (1991). Disciplines of a Godly Man. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Mack, Wayne (1980). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 2: Family and
Marital Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.:
Sample log list:
husband and father, p. 35-38.
card for husbands, p. 39-41.
Ways a husband may express love to his wife, p. 42-45.
Appreciation and annoyance list, p. 49.
How do I rate as a lover?, p. 50.
Mack, Wayne (1977). Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Unit 3: Husband’s responsibilities, p. 26.
Mack, Wayne (1991). Your Family, God’s Way. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Priolo, Lou (1999). The Complete Husband. Amityville, NY: Calvary
Scott, Stuart (2000). The Exemplary Husband. Bemidji, MN: Focus
Adams, Jay (1972). Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1975). “What To Do When Your Marriage Goes Sour.” Phillipsburg, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Building Marriages God’s Way. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Dutton, Mark (2002). God’s Basic Truths Concerning Marriage.@ Cassette tape from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
George, Jim & Elizabeth (2004). Powerful Promises for Every Couple. Eugene,
Harvest House Publishers.
Mack, Wayne (1980). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 2: Family and
Marital Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.:
Common interests and activities, p. 14.
Companionship record, p. 15.
Marriage homework, p. 20.
Rate your marriage (wife), p. 21-23.
Rate your marriage (husband), p. 27-28.
God’s blueprint for marriage, p. 27-28.
Sorting out responsibilities, p. 29-32.
Mack, Wayne (2002). Pre-Marital Counseling.@ Part 1 & 2 Cassette tapes from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 3. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Mack, Wayne (2002). “Rebuilding a Marriage after Adultery” Part 1 & 2.
Cassette tapes from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 3. Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church.
Mack, Wayne (1977). Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Unit 1, Understanding God’s purpose for marriage.
Mack, Wayne. (1991). Your Family, God’s Way. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Mack, Wayne & Mack, Nathan (1986). Preparing for Marriage God’s Way.
Tulsa, OK:
Virgil W. Hensley, Inc.
McQuilkin, Robertson (1998). A Promise Kept. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Nelson, Tommy (1998). The Book of Romance. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Thomas, Gary (2000). Sacred Marriage. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Tripp, Paul. (1999). Marriage, Whose Dream? Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Vernick, Leslie (2001). How to Act Right When Your Spouse Acts Wrong. Colorado
Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press.
Viars, Steve (1994). Spousal Abuse.@ Cassette tape from July 17, 1994. Lafayette, IN:
Faith Baptist Church .
Viars, Steve, Goode, William, Smith, Robert & Wickert, Dan. (2002). Marriages That
Last. Series of 10 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Wheat, Ed (1983). How To Save Your Marriage Alone. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Publishing House.
Wheat, Ed & Perkins, Gloria Oakes (1980). Love Life for Every Married Couple. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
Chanski, Mark (2004). Manly Dominion. Merrick, NY: Calvary Press.
George, Jim (2002). A Man After God’s Own Heart. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Shirk, Don (2003). Men at Church. Schaumburg, IL: Regular Baptist Press.
Smith, Robert. Deacon Training: A Leadership Training Resource.. Lafayette, IN: Faith
Parenting and Families
Adams, Jay (1972). Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
A Biblical Approach to Parenting. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Clarkson, Sally (2004). The Ministry of Motherhood. New York: Waterbrook Press.
Clarkson, Sally (2003). The Mission of Motherhood. New York: Waterbrook Press.
Corriell, Ron & Rebekah (1981). A Child’s Book of Character Building, Book 1. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
DeMuth, Mary (2005). Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Forster, Pam (1993). For Instruction in Righteousness. Gaston, OR: Doorposts.
Forster, Pam (1995). Plants Grown Up. Gaston, OR: Doorposts.
Forster, Pam (1997). Polished Cornerstones. Gaston, OR: Doorposts.
George, Elizabeth (2005). A Mom After God’s Own Heart. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Goode, William, Viars, Steve, Dutton, Mark, Smith, Robert & Wickert, Dan. (2002).
Hope and Help for the Family. Series of 7 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Goode, William (1996). Abbreviated Plan of Child Rearing.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1996 Annual Conference.
MacDonald, James. (2002). Seven Words to Change Your Family. Chicago: Moody
Mack, Wayne (1980). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 2: Family and
Marital Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.:
How to avoid provoking children to wrath, p. 71-73.
Worksheet for parents, no. 1, p. 73.
How to raise a child for God, p. 74-76.
God’s way of bringing up children, p. 77-80.
Worksheet for parents, no. 2, p. 81-82.
Behavior contract, 83-84.
Daily checkup chart, p. 85.
Worksheet for sons or daughters, no. 1, p. 88.
Worksheet for sons or daughters, no. 2, p. 89
Mack, Wayne (1977). Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Unit 7, A common philosophy of raising children, p.
Mack, Wayne. (1991). Your Family, God’s Way. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Murdoch, Mary Ruth. (2000). Raising a Christian Daughter in an MTV
World. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
Patten, Randy, Piatt, Bill, & Dutton, Mark. (2002). Parenting 101: The Basics. Series of 4
audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church
Plowman, Ginger (2003). Don’t Make Me Count to Three! Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd
Powlison, Dave (May, 1991). “What If Your Father Didn’t Love You?” The Biblical
Counselor. Lafayette, IN: NANC.
Priolo, Lou (1997). The Heart of Anger. Amityville, NY: Calvary Press.
Priolo, Lou (2000). How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training.@ Workshop presented
at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Priolo, Lou (2000). Teach Them Diligently. Woodruff, SC: Timeless Texts.
Ray, Bruce (1978). Withhold Not Correction. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.
Sande, Ken. (2002). Peacemaking for Families. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
Tripp, Tedd (1999). Getting to the Heart of Behavior.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999 Annual Conference.
Tripp, Tedd. (1995). Shepherding A Child’s Heart. Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press. A
study guide is also available for this book.
Tripp, Tedd (1999). Teaching Children to Be Under Authority.@ Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999 Annual Conference.
Tripp, Tedd (1999). Understanding the Overflow of the Heart.@ Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999 Annual Conference.
Turner, Tim (1995). Parents, Get to Their Minds.@ Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1995 Annual Conference.
Weidmann, Jim & Hering, Marianne (2004). The Power of Teachable Moments.
Wheaton, IL: Tyndale
Yount, Christine (2002). With All Their Heart. Chicago:
Younts, John (2004). Everyday Talk. Wapwallopen, PA:
Shepherd Press.
Seeking Approval / Pleasing People
Fitzpatrick, Elyse. (2001). Idols of the Heart. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
Priolo, Lou (1995). Helping Those Who Lust for Approval.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1995 Annual Conference.
Welch, Edward (2001). AFear of Man I & II.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 3. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Welch, Edward (1997). When People Are Big and God Is Small. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R
Alcorn, Randy (2003). The Purity Principle. Eugene, OR: Multnomah.
Biblical Principles of Love, Sex & Dating. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church. There are
two versions of this resource – high school or adult. Each version also has a leader guide
Black, Jeffrey S. (2003). Sexual Sin. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Cleveland, Mike (2002). Pure Freedom. Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing.
Daniels, Robert (2005). The War Within. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Dillow, Linda & Pintus, Lorraine (1999). Intimate Issues. New York: Waterbrook Press.
Dutton, Mark (2002). Counseling Sexual Sins.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 4. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Gallagher, Steve (2000). At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry. Dry Ridge, KY: Pure Life
Ministries. A workbook is also available with this book.
Gallagher, Steve. The Walk of Repentance. Dry Ridge, KY: Pure Life Ministries.
Galloway, Sid (1995). Sexual Intimacy in Marriage.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1995 Annual Conference.
Harris, Josh (2003). Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is). Eugene, OR: Multnomah Press.
Study guide for both men and women are available with this book.
Jones, Stan & Brenna (1995). The Story of Me. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Jones, Stan & Brenna (1995). What’s the Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex.
Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Journal of Biblical Counseling. Volume 13, Number 3, Spring 1995.
Knable, Joseph (2005). Sex and the Single Guy. Chicago: Moody.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
and Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
sex problems, pp. 164-165.
Mack, Wayne (1977). Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Unit 6, Developing sexual unity, p. 97.
McDowell, Josh (2002). Why True Love Waits. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
Mahaney, C. J. (2004). Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God. Wheaton, IL: Crossway
Nystrom, Carolyn (1995). Before I Was Born. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Nelson, Tommy (1998). The Book of Romance. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Patten, Randy (2001). Preventing Moral Failures.@ Cassette tape from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 2. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Smith, Robert. Biblical Principles of Sex. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts.
Smith, Robert (2003). Biblical Principles of Sex.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist
Smith, Robert (1991). Sexual Dysfunction.@ Workshop presented at the National
Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1991 Annual Conference.
Street, John (1994). Counseling Those Enslaved by Lust.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1994 Annual Conference.
Street, John (1995). Helping Men Overcome by Life Dominating Lust.@ Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1995 Annual Conference.
Tripp, Paul (1995). The Way of the Wise: Teaching Teenagers about Sex.@ Journal of
Biblical Counseling, v. 13, n. 3, Spring 1995, p. 36.
Vandegriff, John (1992). In the Arena of the Mind. Howell, NJ: Ask, Seek and Knock
Publishing. A study guide is available for this book.
Wheat, Ed & Wheat, Gaye (1977). Intended for Pleasure. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H.
Revell Co.
Wheat, Ed & Perkins, Gloria Oakes (1980). Love Life for Every Married Couple. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
Wickert, Dan (1994). Sexual Understanding with Your Spouse. Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1994 Annual Conference.
Wickert, Dan (2003). Teaching Children about Sex.@ Cassette tape or audio CD from the
Biblical Counseling Training Conference, Track 2. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Alcorn, Randy (2003). The Purity Principle. Eugene, OR: Multnomah.
Biblical Principles of Love, Sex & Dating. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church. There are
two versions of this resource – high school or adult. Each version also has a leader guide
Brownback, Lydia (2003). Fine China Is For Single Women Too. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh (1998). Singled Out For Him. Buchanan, MI: Life Action
Harris, Josh (2003). Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is). Eugene, OR: Multnomah Press.
Knable, Joseph (2005). Sex and the Single Guy. Chicago: Moody.
McCulley, Carolyn (2004). Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? Wheaton, IL: Crossway
Priolo, Lou (2003). Losing that Lovin’ Feeling. Wetumpka, Alabama: Pastoral
Alcorn, Randy (2003). The Purity Principle. Eugene, OR: Multnomah.
Biblical Principles of Love, Sex & Dating. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church. There are
two versions of this resource – high school or adult. Each version also has a leader guide
Bridges, Jerry (2003). The Chase. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh (2003). The Look. Buchanan, MI: Life Action
George, Elizabeth (2003). A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart.
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.
George, Elizabeth (2005). A Young Woman’s Call to Prayer. Eugene, OR: Harvest
House Publishers.
George, Jim (2005). A Young Man After God’s Own Heart. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Harris, Joshua (2000). Boy Meets Girl. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books.
Harris, Joshua (1997). I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books.
Josh (2003). Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is). Eugene, OR: Multnomah Press.
Eric & Ludy, Leslie (2004). When God Writes Your Love Story. Eugene, OR:
Mack, Wayne (1993). Counseling Teens in Trouble – Parts 1 & 2.@ Workshop presented
at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1993 Annual Conference.
McDowell, Josh (2002). Why True Love Waits. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
Street, John (1998). Dating, Courting, or Betrothal – Which?@ Workshop presented
at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1998 Annual Conference.
Paul (1997). Age of Opportunity. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Tripp, Paul, Goode, William, Viars, Steve, & Dutton, Mark. Parenting Teens. Series of 6
audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Tripp, Paul (2000). Typical Idols of the Parents of Teens.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Walker, Mel (2002). Impacting the Next Generation. Schaumburg, IL: Regular Baptist
Walker, Mel (2003). Mentoring the Next Generation. Schaumburg, IL: Regular Baptist
Walker, Mel (2004). Reaching the Next Generation. Schaumburg, IL: Regular Baptist
Thinking / Attitude
Baker, Amy (2005). Controlling Your Thoughts.@ An audio CD from the Faith Biblical
Counseling Conference. Lafayette, IN: Faith Resources.
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh (2001). Lies Women Believe. Chicago: Moody Press. A
companion guide is also available for this book entitled Walking in the Truth.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse. (2001). Idols of the Heart. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R.
George, Elizabeth (1994). Loving God with All Your Mind. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
MacDonald, James (2001). Lord, Change My Attitude. Chicago: Moody Press.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
changing sinful thought patterns, p. 176-182.
Peace, Martha (2002). Attitudes of a Transformed Heart. Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing.
Vandegriff, John (1992). In the Arena of the Mind. Howell, NJ: Ask, Seek and Knock
Publishing. A study guide is available for this book.
Viars, Steve (1994). Right Thinking.@ Series of 10 audio CDs. Lafayette, IN: Faith
Baptist Church.
Viars, Steve (1995). “What to Do When God’s Word Doesn’t Make Sense.” Cassette tape
from June 25, 1995. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Trial / Pain / Suffering
Adams, Jay (1982). How To Handle Trouble. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1977). How to Overcome Evil. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Co.
Adams, Jay (1988). A Thirst For Wholeness. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, chapter 2.
Bell, Rob. Rain. A DVD with teaching that emphasizes the good God is up to in trial.
Bridges, Jerry (1988). Trusting God. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Dillow, Linda (2003). The Blessing Book. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Halla, Jim (2000). Counseling People with Chronic Pain.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 2000 Annual Conference.
Halla, James (2002). Pain: The Plight of Fallen Man. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts.
Mack, Wayne (1995). A Biblical Response to Suffering.@ Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1995 Annual Conference.
Mack, Wayne (2005). Down, But Not Out. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Mack, Wayne (1979). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 1: Personal
and Interpersonal Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,
suffering, p. 170.
Mack, Wayne & Mack, Joshua. (2002). God’s Solutions to Life’s Problems. Hensley
Pabody, Doug (May 1996). “Helping People in Pain to Be More Than Survivors.” The
Biblical Counselor. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Scott, Stuart “Dependence—Not Deliverance: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10,” February 21,
2006; audio file available.
Tripp, Paul. (2004). Grief: Finding Hope Again. Winston-Salem, NC: Punch Press.
Tripp, Paul. (2001). Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R
Van Stone, Doris. (1990). No Place to Cry. The Hurt and Healing of Sexual Abuse.
Chicago: Moody Press.
Viars, Steve (1993). Handling the Past Biblically.@ Series of 10 audio CDs. Lafayette,
IN: Faith Baptist Church. Summary guide and student workbook also available.
Welch, Edward (1994). “Exalting Pain? Ignoring Pain? What do we do with Suffering?
The Journal of Biblical Counseling, 12(3), p. 4-19.
Adams, Jay (1972). Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co.
Berry, Jo. (1981). Beloved Unbeliever. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Black, Sabrina (2002) Can Two Walk Together? Chicago: Moody Press.
Dillow, Linda (1977). Creative Counterpart. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Dutton, Mark (2003). Wife’s Role.@ Cassette tape or audio Cd from the Biblical
Counseling Training Conference, Track 1. Lafayette, IN: Faith Baptist Church.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (2003). Helper By Design. Chicago, IL: Moody.
Forster, Pam (1999). As Unto the Lord. Gaston, OR: Doorposts.
George, Elizabeth (1998). Beautiful in God’s Eyes. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
George, Elizabeth (2002). Life Management for Busy Women. Eugene, OR: Harvest
House Publishers. A study guide is available for this book.
George, Elizabeth (2004). A Wife After God’s Own Heart. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Publishers. A study guide is available for this book.
George, Elizabeth (1997). A Woman After God’s Own Heart. Eugene, OR: Harvest
House Publishers. A study guide is available for this book.
George, Elizabeth (2001). A Woman High Calling. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Publishers. A study guide is available for this book.
Mack, Wayne (1980). A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. 2: Family and
Marital Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.:
Sample log list: wife and mother. p. 53-57.
Scorecard for wives, p. 58.
House cleaning, p. 59.
Ways a wife may express love to her husband, p. 60-63.
Appreciation and annoyance list, p. 67.
do I rate as a lover?, p. 68
Mack, Wayne & Mack, Nathan (1986). Preparing for Marriage God’s Way. Tulsa, OK:
Virgil W. Hensley, Inc.
Mack, Wayne (1977). Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
Reformed Publishing Co., Unit 2, Wife’s role.
Mack, Wayne (1991). Your Family, God’s Way. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing.
Peace, Martha. (1995). The Excellent Wife. Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing, Inc.
Peace, Martha (1992). “Biblical Submission, Woman’s Joy.” Workshop presented at the
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1992Annual Conference.
Peace, Martha (1993). “Helping Wives Love Their Husbands.” Workshop presented at
the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1993 Annual Conference.
Peace, Martha (1994). Counseling Wives to Reverence Their Husbands.” Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1994 Annual
Peace, Martha (1996). Counseling Wives Longing for Emotional Intimacy.@
Workshop presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1996 Annual
Peace, Martha (1997). Helping Women to be Godly Mothers.@ Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1997 Annual Conference.
Peace, Martha (1998). Helping Women When Their Husbands Won’t Lead.@ Workshop
presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1998 Annual
Peace, Martha (1999). Misperceptions – Wife’s Submission to Her
Husband.@ Workshop presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors
1999 Annual Conference.
Peace, Martha (1999). Counseling Women – Gentle & Quiet
Spirit.@ Workshop presented at the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors 1999
Annual Conference.
Strobel, Lee, Strobel, Leslie (2002). Surviving a Spiritual Mismatch.
Grand Rapids, MI:
Wilson, Nancy (1997). The Fruit of Her Hands. Moscow, ID: Canon Press.
Baker, Amy. Developing Genuine Friendships. Lafayette, IN: Faith Resources.
Ennis, Pat & Tatlock, Lisa (2003). Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God. Chicago, IL:
Ennis, Pat & Tatlock, Lisa (2004). Designing a Lifestyle That Pleases God. Chicago, IL:
Fitzpatrick, Elyse (1990). Uncommon Vessels. Timeless Texts.
George, Elizabeth (1998). Beautiful in God’s Eyes. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
Mahaney, Carolyn (2004). Feminine Appeal. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Mahaney, Carolyn & Whitacre, Nicole (2005). Girl Talk. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Peace, Martha (1997). Becoming a Titus 2 Woman. Bemidiji, MN: Focus
Somerville, Mary (2004). One with a Shepherd. The Woodlands, TX: Kress
Christian Publications.
Complied by Dr. Brett Travis