Testimonials from former clients
Eight years ago, I was in the process of a divorce. I had seen other counselors in regards to my situation where all of them encouraged me to divorce my wife. They were of no help at all and cost me hundreds of dollars. I soon realized secular counseling could not help me resolve my marital problems, so it was suggested I see a Christian counselor. A person with theological background in the Scriptures and was against divorce.I looked on line and found Emmaus Abbey Church & Centre for Christian counseling and after about 4 weeks of counseling, my wife and I were back together and we reconciled our marriage. Dr. Travis was instrumental in helping me rededicate my life to Christ and I saw my mistakes I was making in my marriage. He lead me through Malachi 2:14-16. After that, I realized how selfish I was and I needed forgiveness.
My wife and children saw the changes in my life, I stopped drinking, got back into church and we are now happily married couple enjoying life and God again.